Team members talking

Your PPS Team

Like many of our clients, most of us are Michiganders—and proud to be helping neighbors and fellow citizens prepare for retirement.

We do that the best way we know how—by offering exceptional retirement plan administration services, unparalleled customer service, and a commitment to making retirement plan operations as seamless as possible.

We serve our clients by offering each a dedicated account manager, ready to answer questions and fix problems. We’re proud of our team and their credentials and experience.

We invite you to get to know us.

Business women on the phone

Meet the Pension Plan Services team

Patty Dickerson

Patty Dickerson, MSA, QPA, QKC, QKA


Debbie Kowalczyk

Deborah Kowalczyk


Gary Holvick

Gary Holvick, CLU

Founding Partner

Cheryl Stough

Cheryl Stough, QKC, QKA

Senior Plan Consultant

Tom Chambers

Tom Chambers, QKA

Senior Plan Consultant


Dianne Van Daele, MSBIT, QPA, QKC, QKA, CBC

Senior Plan Consultant

Veronica Fox

Veronica Fox, QKA

Plan Consultant

Latasha Shelton

Latasha Shelton

Plan Consultant

Karla Wells

Karla Wells

Plan Consultant

Coryn Moore

Coryn Moore

Participant Distributions and Loans

We do what’s best for you